5 November 2019 | Agni Skafidas  Morning hours can be so precious and the last thing you need is additional stress – created by your wardrobe! Take the first step to decluttering and updating your wardrobe. We suggest taking a phased approach and going section by section. You can start with your tops, then move to your trousers and finish with your undies, for example. This way, the process doesn’t become overwhelming and you can enjoy immediate improvements. Let’s start with tops as an example. Pull all your tops out of your wardrobe and put them into one area such as your bed. This gives you a great overview of what you own and you can review each item by asking yourself a few simple questions. |
4 Comments9 November 2018 | Sally  Its National Organising Week (NOW), which means Britains experts and professionals are on a mission to get the nation motivated to make the most of your space, time and belongings! We have invited a guest blogger from APDO (Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers) to write for us and share their tips and ideas on how to help get you and your home organised! |
17 May 2018 | Amanda Manson  Keeping the spaces that you don’t actually ‘live’ in can be harder than you think! Garages, sheds or outside storage units are often overlooked when it comes to organising effectively; it’s too easy to throw in the stuff that ‘might be useful someday’ into those black holes! Believe me, over the course of time your clutter will build up no end and it could end up being a bit of a struggle to reach those things you now need which are blocked by other items! So - where to start? Well, once you’ve pulled out and decluttered what you have and are left with the things that you truly do need, you need to work out how to store them. |
30 March 2018 | Tilo Flache  Hallways are what any visitor gets to see first when entering your home, and the questions to ask yourself are simple: - Does your hallway convey a positive image? - Is it a welcoming space? - Does it serve its purpose? |
12 March 2018 | Lesley Spellman  When people are embarking on a declutter, trust me, the bottom of the list is always their understairs cupboard or their loft. Why? Because it’s the place that is filled with all that random stuff that just doesn’t have a home anywhere else in the house and there is LOTS of it. Hoovers, mop buckets, swimming bags, bags for life, wellies, tools – you name it, you fling it into the abyss that is the understairs cupboard and it never comes up for air. Old kettles, memorabilia, suitcases, summer clothes, books, pushchairs, hand me down clothes, all get pushed up through the loft hatch and gather around the top of that loft ladder waiting to be loved... |